Our Phone lines will be unavailable on Thursday the 26th, but you can still submit help tickets to support@disputefox.com

SMS Action Required!

If you want to continue using sms with DisputeFox
Below are the instructions to get started
Why is this happening?
Phone carriers are clamping down on people using sms for spamming, which ruins it for the rest of us that use it to communicate with our leads and clients.

They have imposed new rules, which will now requires each business to have their own registered number if they are using SMS.

Since the beginning we have provided an SMS number for all of you, but this will no longer work with the new requirements.

Having your own number has its own benefits, including better delivery rates.
What you need to do..
Follow the guide below to get your own Twilio number, and then send us the information we need to do the full integration for you.

Once the integration is complete, you will no longer be charged by us for SMS, it will be between you and Twilio.

‍The guide below will walk you through signing up
What Happens if I Don't Get Approved?
Many will still get denied SMS numbers due to being in Credit Repair. This is the reason we created the "Credit Tracker" mobile app for your leads and clients which has built-in live 2 way messaging just like SMS, but free.
So if you don't get approved, at least you have a backup solution for communication.
Learn More About Credit Tracker App


There is not much you have to do, we are just being very detailed so its easy to follow
Create a Twilio Account and Number
This number will ONLY be used for SMS inside DisputeFox.

Your normal business phones and any other Twilio numbers you may already have in use, will stay the same as they are now, and this new number will not be used for anything other than DisputeFox SMS.

Additionally, you will no longer have to pay us for sms usage, its between you and Twilio now.
When you first signup, Twilio will give you a default TOLL FREE number which will NOT WORK for SMS.

You want a LOCAL area code, so click "Buy a Number" from the left menu.

(Under Manage Numbers / Manage / Buy a Number)

Once you have found the number you want, you can then proceed with the steps below.
Click Here to Signup
Configure Number
Click Image to Enlarge
Once you have your number, click on "Phone Numbers" then "Manage" then "Active Numbers" in the left navigation
Then just click on your new phone number to get to the configuration page
Messaging Config
Click Image to Enlarge
Scroll down on the "Configure" page to the section called "Message Configuration"
Ignore the "Voice Configuration" section
Change the long dropdown called "Configure With" to this option (if not already selected)...
"Webhook, TwiML Bin, Function, Studio Flow, Proxy Service"
Enter our URL
Click Image to Enlarge
On that same row (highlighted above) you will need to add a website link in the "URL" box shown above
Copy and paste this purple link below into the Twilio "URL" box shown above...
You can ignore the next row (Primary Handler failes)
Now you will need to complete a mandatory campaign registration process inside Twilio
Not a lot is known about why they approve some and deny others, but we have gathered some feedback from those that did get approved, to assist you with your application.
Start of Campaign Registration
Click Image to Enlarge
Here you will choose the options shown in the image above
Once you submit after agreeing to the terms, it will take several minutes for it to complete, so just wait it out until you get an approved message or if they need up to 1 week to futher verify your company
Wait for Submission Approval
Click Image to Enlarge
After submitting the previous step, you will arrive here at the waiting page
This may take anywhere from 5-15 minutes, so just wait it out until you get a message of success or one saying they need to take time to verify your business information (can take up to 7 days sometimes)
Brand Approval
Click Image to Enlarge
If you are approved, you will see this summary screen
Nothing you need to do here, just hit "Continue"
If you do not get this screen, that means they have to review your account in more detail which can take several days, up to a week
Creating the A2P Campaign
Click Image to Enlarge
For the "Available A2P Campaign Use Cases" dropdown, select "Low Volume Mixed" option
This may take anywhere from 5-15 minutes, so just wait it out until you get a message of success or one saying they need to take time to verify your business information (can take up to 7 days sometimes)

Once you have your new number (make sure its NOT a toll free number), then inside twilio they will ask you to complete whats called the "A2P 10-DLC Registration process" for that chosen number

Inside Twilio, you click on your new number and look for the "Campaign Registration" as shown in the above image, and here are the tips for completing it..

1. You will need a web form on your website (like our free consultation one), that HAS to have a required checkbox that says something like "I agree to receive email and SMS communications from (company name)" as they will go and look at your website to check for that. You can get your web form from DisputeFox under Settings / Web Forms, then click the "add to website" button for the "Free Consultation" one, and add the "Option 1" code to your website.

2. When they ask for your Company Name, Address and LLC information, it has to be a 100% PERFECT MATCH to the local state business lookup website as they will check it.

3. When providing example SMS messages, you ONLY give them things like "Hello client, you have a new invoice ready to view in your secure portal"   or "Your progress report is ready to be viewed" etc..   ONLY talk about client management (NEVER mention anything to do with sales or marketing and don't mention anything about "Credit Repair" or "Credit Report" etc..)

4. Any multiple choice or checkbox list questions they have, only choose the minimum or lesser of the options.

The main thing is to avoid anything to do with marketing or sales with credit repair and do not mention the word "credit repair" in any examples you give them.

SMS examples should focus on things like "Managing your account"  "new invoice is ready for you" type of messages

The approval process once submitted can take a few days or up to a week, depending on how busy they are.

Once approved, you can continue with Step 8 Below, and if not approved, you can always have leads and clients install the "Credit Tracker" mobile app already inside your DisputeFox account which has live 2-way messaging already included with your logo and zero cost.
Locate your account ID and number
**ONLY Do This After You Are Approved for A2P**
On the homepage of your Twilio account, near the bottom you will see a section called "Account Info".

There you will see 3 items that we need to integrate your new number to your DisputeFox account.
You MUST UPGRADE your Twilio account from Trial to LIVE before sending us your info.
(CANNOT still be in the "Trial Account" status)
Copy each item shown in the screenshot below and paste them into the Twilio form inside your DisputeFox Account (follow the instructions on Final Step to the right here)
Click Image to Enlarge
When all of this is complete, login to your DisputeFox account, and go to...
Email / SMS / Zapier
SMS Configuration
"Add New Twilio Config"
Once there, copy and paste the 2 ID Numbers and your new Twilio phone number in to the form, and submit.

Now you are LIVE!
Login to DisputeFox Here