***Hurricane Milton Notice*** - We made it through thankfully and will be open again Monday. The phones will be busier than usual in the first few hours, so if you do need to call us, just try again a little later if you can't get through.


Designed from the ground-up to automate repetitive tasks and make your life easier.
Free DemoPricing & Options
Automated Credit Repair
Quick Links to All Features

New Feature: Client Mobile App!

There's a lot to cover, so lets take a quick look
**Not Available During the Free Trial Period**

With YOUR Branding

Increase Your Customer Engagement for FREE!
Easy Download from App Store
Fully Branded with Your Logo
LIVE 2-Way Messaging
Full Client Portal Tools
On-Boarding Document Uploads
Track Scores and Monthly Progress
Push Notifications so they SEE Your Message
Make Payments & Update Cards
Integrated with AutoFox Automations!
FREE for You and Your Clients
3B Credit Reports at Wholesale Cost with More Data and CRO Benefits
ScoreFusion 3B Reports are now available inside DisputeFox!
Your Branding Signup Process
Logins and Passwords Automatically Stored!
More Accurate Data & Up to 7 Year Payment History
All New Client Portal Exclusive for ScoreFusion Clients
Bill Your Clients Using YOUR Pricing
3B Reports Only
Offer full 3B reports to your clients at cost or upcharge them whatever you see fit!
New Client Portal
Exclusive all new client exeperience for ScoreFusion members only
In Your Control
Manage your clients ScoreFusion account and billing

Integrated POA Notarization

Tired of dealing with Stall Letters from Bureaus? Look no Further!
Fully automated Power of Attorney process for your customer with live audio and video with a Certified Notary & Auto-Save Final Document
Fully Integrated, Just Launch from Client File
After Purchase, Client Completes Process
Security Questions & ID Validation
Live Video Notarization with Notary

**NEW Features**

Some of our most recent updates
Share Client Results
Now you have an easy way to generate a graphic that showcases your real client results. Fully branded with your logo ready for social media sharing.
Multiple Designs to Choose From
Automatically Generates by Chosen Scores
Use to Promote Your Results Online
All Fully Integrated
Gmail & Outlook Integration
Now you can easily integrate your Gmail / G-Suite or Outlook email account to be used for all system outbound communications to Leads & Clients.
One-Click Setup
Google / Gmail / G-Suite API
Microsoft Outlook API
**Not Available during Free Trial
"AI" Metro2 Letters
Not only do we have fully automated dynamic content, we have also leveraged Ai to make each letter and each account violation description unique.
Fully Automated Letter Builder
"AI" Written Unique Content Everytime
Includes Screenshots of Report Items
MeetFox Appointments
Customize with your brand colors, set appointment length, assign a custom status, generate a URL link and even an embed option to display on your website.
Multiple Booking Links
Fully Integrated with Your Account
Customize the Colors and Branding
Links & Embed Options
"AI" For Factual Letters
Highlight the section you want AI to re-write, then choose the escalation level (concerned, annoyed, disappointed, etc...) and it will re-write it in real time.
Real-Time Re-Writing During Letter Preview
Use AI to Create Multiple Letter Versions
Make Content Unique Every Single Time
Sentences, Paragraphs, or even Templates
SMS Carrier Options
We now have THREE different carriers you can integrate a SMS phone number with so you can send and receive SMS messages right from the system.
Zapier API Connection
Have another system you want to push leads into DisputeFox? Now you can transfer that data instantly, as well as from Social Media Campaigns.
Full Zapier API Connection
Connect other Systems Instantly
Leads From Social Media
Pass Data Back and Forth
Monthly Progress Reports
Progress Reports are automatically generated when you get to the 2nd import. This graphically designed report you can one-click email or text to your client!
Colorful Presentation of Monthly Results
Breaks Down Score Changes and Deletions
Makes You Look Professional
One-Click to Email or Text to Your Client
Print & Mail Service
Fully built-in letter print and mail service so you no longer have to do it yourself and go down the post office everyday.  Live tracking if sent Certified.
One-Click Mail at your Fingertips
Rates Comparable to Doing Yourself
Live Tracking if Sent Certified
NMI & Authorize.net
We have always had Authorize.net available to connect with your merchant account for fully integrated billing, but we have now also added NMI.
Fully Integrated Billing Tools
Auto-Retires on Card Failure Options
Create Invoices Recurring Payments
Multiple Cards on File Options
Historical Import of Scores
If you are looking to migrate from another software to DisputeFox, now you are able to back-fill their old scores, deletions and even progress reports automatically!
Populate their File with Entire Score History
All Monthly Progress Reports Auto-Created
All Deletions and Results
NOBODY Has this Ability but DisputeFox
Merchant Account Partner
If you are looking for a new merchant account that supports those in the credit repair industry, check out BankCardUSA. Mention DisputeFox for special rates!
Fast and Easy Approvals in our Industry
Works with both Authorize.net & NMI 
Special Rates for DisputeFox Users

Leads Dashboard

All the tools you will need to track and nurture your leads
Leads Display
Track the status of all your leads in an easy to read display. Sorty by lead "hotness", last communication and all assigned parties.
Sortable, Easy to Read Display
Current Status
Last Communication
Messages & Assigned Parties
Leads "Hotness"
Focus your attention on the most interested leads. Assign hotness level and even setup automations to trigger email campaigns based on status.
Assign interest level to each lead
Setup Automation Campaigns
Assign Leads to Agents
Messages Alerts per Lead
Leads Overview
Similar to our Client Dashboard, Leads have their own tabs with all the latest information, history and any pending actions or next steps.
Communication Timeline
Agent and Affiliates Assigned
Emails, Portal Messages and SMS
Easily Convert to Client

Client Dashboard

Introducing the most advanced client management system ever created
Client Overview
See all of the most important client information on a single page! Track progress, see latest actions, billing and most recent messages.
Current Credit Scores
Client Progress Bar
Required Documents Checklist
Billing, Messages & Alerts
Progress Bar
No longer do you have to guess or dig through a clients file to see exactly where they are in the process, identify any roadblocks and keep the file moving.
Automated Process Stage Updates
Required Docs and Signatures
Stages to Filter Client Searches
Automated Campaigns Attached
Easy Access Information
Have all the important client details right infront of you as you work the file. No more digging around for their social, DOB and other
One-Off Quick Emails
Optional Quick Templates
Multiple Domain & Email Accounts
Marketing & Retention Campaigns
Client Process Checklist
Your Client can message you back and forth via their Client Portal. Automatic email notifications will be sent to notify them of the new message.
Send One-Off Messages
Automated Messages
Client Notifications
History Stored on Account
Account Management
Your Affiliate can message you back and forth via their Affiliate Portal. Automatic email notifications will be sent to notify them of the new message.
Send One-Off Messages
Automated Messages
Affiliate Notifications
History Stored on Account
Scores & Import
Automated alerts will be displayed in the Client Portal for things like Card Failures, Documents Due or other process related actions.
Automated Billing Alerts
Automated New Score Alerts
Required Documents Alerts
New Messages Alerts

Client Communications

Client Mobile App!
Now your clients can download and install your fully branded mobile app with built-in 2-way messaging so you can stay in contact easily.
Fully Branded as Yours
Entire Client Portal in the App
Live 2-Way Messaging Service
Track Progress and Updates
2-Way SMS
SMS is the single best way to make sure your client will read your message. Simple “Click to Text” popup with selectable phone numbers.
Integrated SMS Messaging
Unique Numbers per Agent
SMS History Auto Logged
Use SMS in Automated Campaigns
Need to send a quick email to a client? Quick popup allows for one-off communication, OR select a template to send, saving you time.
One-Off Quick Emails
Optional Quick Templates
Multiple Domains & Email Accounts
Marketing & Retention Campaigns
Client Portal Messages
Your Client can message you back and forth via their Client Portal. Automatic email notifications will be sent to notify them of the new message.
Send One-Off Messages
Automated Messages
Client Notifications
History Stored on Account
Affiliate Portal Messages
Your Affiliate can message you back and forth via their Affiliate Portal. Automatic email notifications will be sent to notify them of the new message.
Send One-Off Messages
Automated Messages
Affiliate Notifications
History Stored on Account
Automated Alerts
Automated alerts will be displayed in the Client Portal for things like Card Failures, Documents Due or other process related actions.
Automated Billing Alerts
Automated New Score Alerts
Required Documents Alerts
New Messages Alerts

Notes, Tasks & Reminders

Notes are an important part of managing a client’s file. These internal notes can be seen by any Agent.
Create Notes on Each Client
Create Tasks & Assign to Agent(s)
Notes are Internal Only
History of All Notes
Sticky Note
Need to take Notes while working on a Client’s file? Sticky Note is a popup that you can position anywhere.
Floating Notes Window
Position Anywhere on Screen
Automatically Saves Notes
Quick Links for Creating a Task
Create “To-Do” Tasks for each Client and either assign it to yourself, or any other Agent to complete and check off.
Create Tasks for each Client
Check-Off to Complete
Assign Tasks to other Agent(s)
Email Notifications
This is a Calendar based reminder system. Once created, the Reminder will appear on the main Calendar and visible to all Agents.
Create Calendar Reminders
Check-Off to Complete
Email Notifications

Customer Portal

Your customers can login to your custom branded portal and check on status, upload all required documents, sign the agreement and see their scores improve
Your Branding
Your Client Portal will feature your own logo and even options for changing the colors to match your branding!
Your Own Logo
Custom URL w/your Domain
Branded Login Page
Custom Resources Page
Tablet & Mobile Friendly
Clients can upload all required documentation with required steps, and also digitally sign your Client Agreement.
Required Documents Checklist
E-Signature for Agreements
Automatically Saves Notes
Document Uploads Center
Progress Updates
Keep clients up to date automatically! They can login and view the latest progress, upload docs & send messages.
Automatic Scores Updates
Automated Email Notifications
Automated Signed Agreement
Automated Alerts & Billing

Client Billing

Billing Options
Flexible Billing Options are crucial and not many systems offer any. We have included all the possibilities including multiple payment processors.
Create Invoices
Setup Recurring Payments
Auto-Charge Invoice on Future Set Date
Auto Start and Stop Dates
Card & ACH
Credit Card billing is the most popular choice, but using ACH billing will allow for less billing failures. Requires an Authorize.net connected merchant account.
Credit Card Option
ACH Withdrawal Option
Multiple Cards on File
Multiple Processors Selection
If you use automated billing, invoices will be auto generated, but you have the option to do one-off invoices and charges.
Automated Invoice Creation
Manual Invoice Creation
Options to Pay inside Portal
Alerts & Automated Emails

Credit Report Import & Disputing

This can be the most time-consuming and frustrating part of doing credit repair. We recognize that and have designed the fastest and easiest to use system ever!
Credit Monitoring
No longer are you restricted to a single source for importing a credit report.  Use your clients login or send a signup link.
MyScoreIQ (Fico Scores)
Smart Credit
Privacy Guard
Credit Dyno
One-Click Import
After entering the client’s monitoring information, sit back and relax while our system retrieves the full report after which you can live edit for disputing.
One-Click Import
Initial Analysis Report Auto Generated
Negative Items Auto Labeled
Automatic & Side-By-Side
One of the challenges is comparing the new vs old report for changes. We have the world’s FIRST side-by side dispute report view and a fully automated version
View Side-By-Side Reports
Real Time Updates & Additions
Fastest Way to Update Reports
Monthly Progress Reports Generated
Items Flagged for Manual Review if no match
On-Page Disputes
Once the report has imported, you will be able to instantly review their file and dispute items right there on the page.
Clean, Clear Layout
Easy Dropdowns Disputing
Negative & Positive Color Coding
Custom Dispute Reasons
Custom Dispute Instructions
Dispute Management
After you have identified all the disputable items on the report, we compile them into an easy-to-read table where you can additionally make any changes before print.
Display of all Disputed Items
Dispute Type Icons
Expanded Details for Each
History of Disputes
Bulk Dispute Items
DisputeFox comes pre-loaded with list of Dispute Instructions, but you can add your own to create your custom list over time.
Pre-Loaded Instructions Library
Add Instructions on the Fly
Build Collection Over Time
DisputeFox comes pre-loaded with hundreds of Creditors, but you can add your own to create your custom list.
Pre-Loaded Creditors Library
Add Creditors on the Fly
Build Collection Over Time
DisputeFox comes pre-loaded with hundreds of Furnishers, but you can add your own to create your custom list.
Pre-Loaded Furnishers Library
Add Furnishers on the Fly
Build Collection Over Time
Dispute Letters
Using our easy bulk editing tools, you can easily create hundreds of letters in one shot, then bulk print them.
Bulk Letter Assignment
Pre-Loaded Dispute Letters
Add Your Own Letters
Data Auto-Insert Tools
Add Creditor Addresses
Letter Options
Controls for including identification images and saved digital signatures.
Include Identification Images
Auto Include Signatures
Create Letters per Reporting Agency
Create Letters per Creditor
Create Letters per Furnisher
Printing Letters
Once you have created all your letters, you can bulk print them as well as create envelopes all in one action.
Bulk Print by Type
Automatic Envelope Creation
Batch Tool with Page Count
History of Printed Batches
Auto Include ID Docs

AutoFox Workflow Automation

Workflows can be auto-triggered by web forms and system events, or manually
Powerful Actions
Workflows are an awesome way to save you time and money by sending out pre-designed emails, SMS and even API actions.
Email Campaigns
SMS Campaigns
Tasks, Reminders and API
Pre-Loaded On-Boarding
Email & SMS Campaigns
Use our workflows to setup multi-step email and SMS campaigns to automate your messages, or client onboarding process.
Multi-Step Campaigns
On-Boarding, Education & Marketing
Multiple Sub-Actions for Steps
History Tracking Per Client
We can setup some custom workflows for you if you have some complex actions that need to take place. Contact our sales dept today to get a free quote.
Advanced Automations
API Data Exports
Custom Email Designs
Fast Turn-Around

Affiliates Portal & Tools

Grow your business fast by providing affiliates an easy to use interface where they can track all the leads they send over, as well as conversions, and even see their next payout amount.
Affiliate Portal
Similar to the Client Portal, your Affiliates will be able to see leads sent over, conversions and updates on those referrals.
Custom Logo for Affiliate
Stats Overview Page
List of all Referrals
Payouts & Total Revenue
Affiliate Payouts
This process can be time consuming, figuring out how much to pay out each month - until now!  The entire process is automated!
Easy to See Monthly Totals
List of all Conversions
Commission Reports
Paypal & Stripe Payouts (coming soon)
Affiliate Tools
Sending leads should be as simple as possible. We have created 3 separate tools for Affiliates to participate most efficiently.
Custom Website Forms
Manually Enter New Leads
Affiliate Tracking Links

Advanced Web Forms

Our custom forms allow you total freedom with unlimited fields, and ready to go templates.
Custom Web Forms
Not only can you have any field you can dream up, we have Autoresponders though Automations that give you total control of your followup message.
Create Unlimited Web Forms
Simple Install Options
Custom Install Options
Assign Automations on Submit
Ready Templates
We provide some ready to go email templates, complete with your branding, but you can customize any of them to suite your needs.
Consultation Pre-Loaded
Signup Form Pre-Loaded
Client Onboarding Pre-Loaded
Client Signup Form Pre-Loaded
Custom Templates
Use our Email Data Variables to automatically insert almost any piece of customer data, saving you time and making your campaigns more effective.
Build Templates for any Scenario
Quickly Create New Emails
Save Templates as you go.
Unlimited Saved Templates

Admin Tools

Users, Billing, Reports, Email, SMS and Other Cool Stuff
User Accounts
Have a large team? Manage all their account access and permissions from your Master Account.
Unique Email Address
Unique Phone Number
Assign Clients to Users
Define Role Permissions
Just like Client Billing, we have a flexible billing system that even allows multiple payment processors on the fly.
Multiple Processor Accounts
Monthly Billing Details
Detailed Bill Summary
Set Default Pricing
Naming Convention
We offer you the option to change some of the system wide names to something you are used to working with.
Dispute Status Types
Process Stage Names
Processing Issues
Reminder Types & more..
Generate any report from Client Reports, to Affiliate Leads, to Billing, all can be done from your admin interface and exported.
SMS & Email Reports
Total Revenue Reports
Affiliate Reports
Leads and Client Reports
Email & SMS
Configure multiple email “send” accounts, setup Phone Dialer & SMS options and manage your Email Templates all in one place.
Multiple “Send-As” Emails
Configure your SMS
Twillio Account Details
Manage Email Templates
Portal Settings
Upload your Client Portal logo and select your color profiles. Define branding settings for all your Affiliate Portals as well.
Client Portal Settings
Affiliate Portal Settings
Add / Edit Resources

Security & Encryption

Tighter than skinny leather pants in a rainstorm
DisputeFox is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the USA. The ONLY CR Software with 2-Factor Authentication end-to-end security!
(TLS 1.2/1.3) Encryption w/Ciphers
256-bit Advanced Encryption (AES)
On-going Level 1 PCI Compliance
Fully Encrypted Data Format
2-Factor Authentication
Data Backups
Automated daily backups ensure your data is protected and in the unlikely event something happens, we can restore fast!
Continuity & Disaster Recovery
Point-in-Time Recovery
Your Data Backup on Request
Compliance for the credit repair world is crucial, but so is compliance for your data and server security.
Trust Guard PCI Compliance
PCI DSS Compliance & Auditing
Certification Upon Request
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